Friday, March 4, 2011

Madoka Magica - 9

Usual disclaimer: this post is made of spoilers.

The full explaination from Kuybei:
  • he is either a member or some device from an alien civilization
  • this civilization searched for a way to contrast the increase of entropy of the universe and finally developed the technology to harvest entropy-independent energy from emotions (!!)
  • they don't have emotions...
  • they found out that puella magi emit big quantities of this kind of energy, the quantity going by the height of their emotions
  • thus, they setup the contract thing to turn young girls (who happen to have the strongest emotions and produce the most energy) into puella magi:
    • when they first become one getting a wish they emit energy from happines
    • when they turn into witches they do also emit energy from grief
A nice little plan to contrast the entropy increase in the universe. Yet, it seems a little limited to resort to a single species living on a single planet, or have they planted humans in many other planets effectively using them as energy generators?
Anyway, let's not diverge to much...

Koyouko's sacrifice is the other big element in this episode. It seems the balancing of emotions happens also between puella magi. The most Sayaka was descending into grief, the most Kyouko regained her humanity and finally sacrificed herself to help Sayaka out of her misery.

Homura is the one who knows very well what is going on. The fact she suppresses her emotions looks like some protest against Kyubei too.

Madoka finally sees Kyubei as an enemy. I liked how the colors changed during his explaination to Madoka.

Kyubei has orchestrated everything to force her to to make a choice. With the incoming Walpurgis night she will either see Homura get killed or make a contract.
I seriously hope there is third option.

In the end everything sums up to Kyubei being a liar. If he could really grant _any_ wish he could just ask Madoka to wish for another mean of controlling entropy.

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